Zolldokumente/Zolldekleration CN23

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Important information

The Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the International Post Corporation (IPC) are changing the conditions for sending goods consignments abroad.

From 1 July 2019, electronic creation of customs declarations is required for international letter mail containing goods for the destination United States of America, and from 1 January 2020 for all countries worldwide.

You can use the “Accompanying documents for international letters” online service to easily create address labels with customs declarations electronically. This saves time when dropping off your consignment. You then frank the consignments at the counter or with stamps. You can also create franked address labels with customs declarations electronically using the “WebStamp” online service. You then hand the consignments in at the counter.

Zolldokumente/Zolldekleration CN23. Nur für Sendungsaufgaben ab der Schweiz.